1. Hi Reuben! Tell us a little about your sound:

I would describe my sound as alternative folk pop but stealing a
little bit from Americana styles here and there.

2. You're about to go spend some time recording in LA and working with
David Ryan Harris who has more recently collaborated with John Mayer,
where do you see the new record going?

Hopefully going well! Recording with David Ryan Harris and some top
class musicians over there is going to bring the best out of my songs so I
am really excited to see what we end up with.

3. Your journey to this point has been pretty interesting, including a
reality TV show, the Telstra Road to Discovery and singing with John
Farnham and Olivia Newton John! What have been some of your highlights
so far?

Some of the highlights were definitely those things you mentioned but
also a lot of smaller moments like my first gig at a local pub and
releasing my first CD are pretty important to me.

4. What is the biggest lesson you've learnt in your career so far?

Biggest lesson I have learnt is a bit cliche but it is to be true to
yourself. Although you hear that a lot, I think in the music industry
it’s especially important as an artist.

5. Who is on repeat in your headphones right now?

I am really loving James Bay and also the new Mumford and Sons album is great!

6. Do you have any advice for others looking to develop their
songwriting and career in music?

As I said before, keep working on writing your own songs, stay true
to yourself and trust your instincts.

The single 'Two Pieces' from the 'Slate EP' released March 12th 2015. Buy it here: https://itunes.apple.com/au/album/slate-ep/id971547785 Video by Saige Creative.
